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Patricia (Patty) Wells

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Patricia (Patty) Wells

Patricia (Patty) Wells is an archaeologist and historical documentary researcher at the Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary, and holds a research associate position at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Her archaeological work focuses on the analysis of faunal remains to understand the role of animals as food and as source material for the manufacture of tools among Arctic Small Tool Tradition (AST) peoples. Her recent work concerns the potential role of climate change in the sudden abandonment of Newfoundland by the Dorset (AST) people (ca. 1200 years BP). Similarly, her documentary work involves gathering past climate, weather and marine mammal ecological data from historical documents, including the records of Arctic explorers, Hudson Bay Company post journals and a variety of shipping documents. These records, spanning the last 400 years, contribute a high resolution, unique profile of conditions at a seasonal or annual level, and track the ecology of marine mammals, sea birds and other species within the Arctic system.

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