The project titled “Next Generation Optical Nanoscopy Platforms for Biological System – Symbiosis of Advanced Training, Research and Innovation” has been successfully accepted in the Programme for International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation (INPART) given by The Research Council of Norway.
The project will generously support mobility between UiT – The Arctic University of Norway and four partner institutes:
a) Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Delhi, India
b) EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
c) MIT, Boston, USA
d) Harvard University, Boston, USA
In addition, the INPART programme also supports the creation of a “Virtual Centre of Nanoscopy” between IIT Delhi and UiT, where IIT Delhi has allocated 5 PhD students. There are several summer schools and workshops planned in this project in Tromsø, New Delhi, Heidelberg, and Boston. The project runs for 3 years.
For more information, visit The Research Council of Norway’s web page.