The external advisory board of NordCO2 provides the consortium with advice on research directions and strategies. The board consists of honorable scientists from the fields of computational, organonmetallic, and industrial chemistry.
Prof. Matthias Beller is an expert on catalyst development and conversion of CO2 for industrial applications. He is the director of the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Germany.
Prof. Ruben Martin from ICIQ, Spain, is a renowned organometallic chemist working in the field of C-H activation and CO2 conversion for formation of chemical building blocks.
Prof. Odile Eisenstein from ICGM, France, is a theoretical chemist specialized on modelling structures and reactivities of transition metal complexes.
Ómar Sigurbjörnsson is a member of the managment team at Carbon Recycling International in Iceland, which is a world-leading industry for converting CO2 to methanol.