Arctic Optica has a new website

Arctic Optica has now a website hosted by the university. This will help us avoid the problems we had with the old one which prevented us from sharing it on social media. Just be patient since this site is still under construction. We hope that soon we can present to you a version of this website in Norwegian .

On the “blog” you will find articles by our members about things we find of interest such as new work we are doing, new and exciting research we found out about and want to share with the world, or simply our thoughts about various challenges we encounter during our time studying and working in Norway.

News about upcoming events and activities organised by Arctic Optica or in which Arctic Optica participates can be found on the “news” page. Make sure to check it often because we are always up to something. 😉

If you are a student at UiT and have an interest in optics as a future profession, consider joining us!

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