Tag Archives: Metal Age

Acta Borealia (2003): Volume 20(1)

Volume 20(1), 2003
Olsen, Kjell: The Touristic Construction of the “Emblematic” Sámi. 3-20
Taavitsainen, Jussi-Pekka: Lapp Cairns as a Source on Metal Period Settlement in the Inland Regions of Finland. 21-48
Hønneland, Geir: Industrial Pollution Discourse in the European Arctic. 49-74
Fagertun, Fredrik: Threats and Threat Scenarios in the North during the Cold War. 75-90

Posted in Fagertun Fredrik, Hønneland Geir, Olsen Kjell, Taavitsainen Jussi-Pekka, Volume 20 - 2003 | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2003): Volume 20(1)

Acta Borealia (1986): Volume 3(2)

Volume 3(2), 1986
Saressalo, L.: From oicotype (ecotype) to the study of ethnotypes. 3-17.
Kvist, R.: Den samiske handel och dess roll som social differentieringsfaktor – Lule lappmark 1760-1860 (Sami trade and its role as a promotor of social differentiation – Lule lappmark 1760-1860). 19-40.
Høgsæt, R.: The Torgar estate. The economic decline of an ancient landowning family of Helgeland in the Late Middle Ages. 41-59.
Jørgensen, R.: The Early Metal Age in Nordland and Troms. 61-87.

Posted in Høgsæt R., Jørgensen R., Kvist R., Saressalo L., Volume 3 - 1986 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1986): Volume 3(2)