Principal investigator: Elena Bjørgve
Co-coordinators: Svetlana Sokolova and Guro Reisæter
Project title: Vår felles seier (“Our common victory”)
Summary of the project:
The project “Our common victory” was planned in connection with the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. It combines three academic components: history, language and film.
History: In order to find out what people remember and know about World War II after 75 years, a group of students from UiT The Arctic University of Norway traveled to Arkhangelsk and conducted interviews with representatives of different generations: those who survived the war (80+), their children (60+), grandchildren (40+) and great-grandchildren (20+). Through the seminars, where Russian and Norwegian history professors lectured on World War II, and personal communication with people who experienced the war, the students gained a deeper insight into what the war meant for Northern Norway and Russia.
Language: Throughout the project, the students had a lot of exposure to both Russian and Norwegian: the interviews were conducted in Russian and certain episodes were translated into Norwegian.
Film: The project resulted in a film called “Our common victory”. The students were the main stake-holders in its production, were introduced to interviewing and filming techniques and worked with the selection of relevant episodes and the subtitles.
The last, but not the least, component is the social contact established across the border, fortified by joint academic and social gatherings, excursions, and the premiere of the film, hosted at UiT, with a lively discussion.
Coordination of the project:
- Elena Bjørgve (UiT The Arctic University of Norway): Concept, coordination of the pre-production workshop in Tromsø, of the filming in Arkhangelsk and the work on the subtitles, coordination of the social program in Arkhangelsk, additional student events in connection with the project
- Svetlana Sokolova (UiT The Arctic University of Norway): Concept, coordination of the pre-production workshop in Tromsø, of the filming in Arkhangelsk and the post-production work on the film, additional student events in connection with the project
- Guro Reisæter (UiT The Arctic University of Norway): Concept, coordination of the pre-production workshop in Tromsø and the work on the subtitles for the film, additional student events in connection with the project
- Oksana Zaretskaja (Northern (Arctic) Federal University, NArFU): Selection of the informants, coordination of the guest lectures in Arkhangelsk, coordination of excursions in Arkhangelsk
- Ruslan Peresadilo (NArFU): Coordination of the filming in Arkhangelsk
Guest lectures at the pre-production workshops in Tromsø and Arkhangelsk:
- Kari Aga Myklebost (UiT)
- Marianne Neerland Soleim (UiT)
- Fredrik Mortensen (UiT)
- Andrej V. Repnevskij (NArFU)
- Mikhail N. Suprun (NArFU)
Informants in the film “Vår felles seier”:
- Leonid I. Sannikov
- Rudolf A. Khantalin
- Svetlana V. Repnevskaja
- Natalja L. Skalina
- Natalja N. Kukarenko
- Ruslan V. Peresadilo
- Margarita A. Kobyljackaja
- Alina A. Kholmanskikh
Students from UiT The Arctic University of Norway who conducted and filmed the interviews:
- Bård Eirik Paasche Blystad
- Karolina Galynia
- Harriet Amelia Dahl Hanssen
- Karina Tråslett Løkås
- Alice Tivilov-Mutkari
- Håkon Roald Sverdrupsen
- Emma Eriksson Våge
Finalizing the film «Vår felles seier»:
- Svetlana Bokova (REC.A, Murmansk): clipping of the film “Vår felles seier”
- Valerij Gavel (REC.A, Murmansk): clipping of the film “Vår felles seier”
- Aleksandr Znaskevitsj (REC.A, Murmansk): clipping of the film “Vår felles seier”
- Håkon Roald Sverdrupsen (UiT): Selection of episodes for the script, Norwegian subtitles for the film “Vår felles seier”
- Karolina Galynia (UiT): Selection of episodes for the script
- Maria Veselova (Moscow State University): Norwegian subtitles for the film “Vår felles seier”
- Anna Pronina (Moscow State Linguistic University): Norwegian subtitles for the film “Vår felles seier”
- Polina Sokolova (NArFU): Norwegian subtitles for the film “Vår felles seier”
- Olga Sjarkova (NArFU): Norwegian subtitles for the film “Vår felles seier”
- Maria Nordrum (NArFU): Norwegian subtitles for the film “Vår felles seier”
Project duration: 2020
Funding: (name of grant): The Norwegian Barents Secretariat (BAR002-1045584, 265000 NOK)
Link to the project page and project result: