IRGR Seeking Project Assistant

IRGR announces exciting short-term employment opportunity

We are inviting applications for a part-time position as Project Assistant (PA) from late January to late November 2016. Applicants should have documented previous professional experience in report writing or in proposal development for competitive international tenders.  The PA will be tasked with editorial work in English, including to quality ensure briefing papers and op-eds to be published on IRGR’s webpage and other media platforms.  Attestation of excellent proficiency in academic English and knowledge of program ware for the maintenance and upgrading of IRGR’s website, must supplement proven record of accomplishment in the designated areas.

Minimum requirements: BA degree in either peace and conflict, international relations, international politics, humanitarian studies or security and development in addition to previous record of solid accomplishment in the above designated competence areas.  External candidates not studying at University of Tromsø or living in Tromsø may also apply. Proven academic knowledge and operative skills in reintegration, DDR, recovery or related subject areas, will be considered an additional asset.

The position will be placed on in Grade 34 (Hovedlønnstabell i staten).  Payment on hourly basis.  Total workload amounts to 200 hours, with the monthly workload fluctuating between 2 -7 workings days, subject to IRGR’s Work Schedule in 2016.

Deadline for applications: January 6. 2016. Submit application, CV, certificates and attestations to: Professor Tone Bleie, Head of IRGR, email:

IRGR Presents to IDDRTG & TDRP

Over the last few months the IRGR has been active in presenting with key DDR stakeholders on the future of reintegration programming.

First, this summer the IRGR member Randolph Rhea presented to the IDDRTG on state of the art in research outputs in the field of reintegration. Key actors present included UNDP and Folke Bernadotte Academy. The ensuing discussion focused on the space for scholar – practitioner cooperation to shape the future of knowledge and training on diverse reintegration contexts.

Next, this Autumn IRGR member Randolph Rhea presented to the World Bank’s TDRP at their annual trust fund committee conference. Rhea presented key findings from his comparative study of ex-combatant reintegration processes in the Great Lakes Region which was published by the TDRP this summer.

New Comparative Study on Ex-Combatant Reintegration Published!

This July IRGR member Randolph Rhea completed a study published by the World Bank’s TDRP.

The study explores the reintegration processes that ex-combatants, as well as the communities that receive them, go through in the transition from being soldiers to being civilians across the Great Lakes region (GLR) of Africa (Uganda, Rwanda, DRC, RoC, and Burundi). The study uses a cross-country comparative approach capitalizing on survey data col­lected between 2010 and 2012 from nearly 10,000 ex-combatants and community members across the GLR. This is the first time that such a large sample of data on ex-combatants from across multiple countries has been systematically compared and analyzed, thus the study represents the cutting edge of empirically driven quan­titative research on the reintegration processes of ex-combatants.

View the complete study here!

New IRGR Publication – Towards a theory of ex-combatant reintegration

The IRGR is proud to announce the publication of a new paper on conceptual development towards a theory of ex-combatant reintegration by member Stina Torjesen-

This paper encourages the development of a theoretical framework for the study of the reintegration of ex-combatants after war. It takes the first steps towards this by proposing a new definition of reintegration, where the processes ex-combatants experience, rather than the programmatic support offered by international and national agencies, take centre stage. The article links the study of reintegration to two broader disciplines; political economy and sociology, and in particular to the two disciplines’ account of power and group belonging. It argues that a political economy approach is particularly useful for making sense of the context in which reintegration processes unfold. The article also suggests some relevant research questions and highlights methodological concerns related to research on reintegration.

The full article can be found here.

New IRGR Publication – Ex-Pirates in Somalia: Processes of Engagement, Disengagement, and Reintegration

The IRGR is proud to announce the publication of a new study on the reintegration of ex-pirates in Somalia by IRGR member Ingvild Gjelsvik and colleague Tore Bjørgo.

This study addresses how and why individuals in Somalia get involved in piracy activities, and how and why some of these individuals eventually disengage from such criminal groups. Based on qualitative interviews with 16 ex-pirates and pirate associates and a number of other locals and experts, the study provides first-hand insights into some of the conditions, circumstances, and processes which may serve to discourage involvement and continued engagement in piracy. Furthermore, it analyses factors and circumstances which may encourage and facilitate disengagement from these criminal activities and reintegration into non-criminal economic activities and social relationships. The lack of employment and livelihood motivated individuals to engage in piracy. However, disappointment about the lack of expected profit, coupled with the prospect of a licit income, influenced some to end their piracy involvement. Another important factor was the strong statements by local Muslim leaders that piracy was haram (forbidden). This was often reinforced by family and community objections to their involvement in piracy. Family members also played important roles in facilitating their disengagement. The ‘Alternative Livelihood to Piracy’ project played a positive role in facilitating disengagement from piracy, working closely with local religious leaders and the communities.

The full article can be found here.

Welcome to the new IRGR website!


Greetings and welcome to the new IRGR website. In the blog section of the site we hope to bring you posts from our core members as well as affiliates on a range of topics on the cutting edge of reintegration research. Field-reports, article reviews and editorials are all in the works! Stay tuned!