Tag Archives: Russia

Acta Borealia (2007): Volume 24(1)

Volume 24(1), 2007
Hugh Beach: Self-determining the Self: Aspects of Saami Identity Management in Sweden. 1-25
Ingebjørg Hage: Reconstruction Housing in North Norway: Gender and the Reception of the Modern Era. 26-43
Tatiana Safonova: The Professional Ethos of Rangers in Russian Nature Reserves. 44-58
Narve Fulsås: What did the Weather Forecast do to Fishermen, and what did Fishermen do to the Weather Forecast? 59-83
Reinhard Mook & Reidar Bertelsen: The Possible Advantage of Living in Turf Houses on Settlement Mounds. 84-97

Posted in Beach Hugh, Bertelsen Reidar, Fulsås Narve, Hage Ingebjørg, Mook Reinhard, Safonova Tatiana, Volume 24 - 2007 | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2007): Volume 24(1)

Acta Borealia (2005): Volume 22(2)

Volume 22(2), 2005
Ingebjørg Hage: Reconstruction of North Norway after the Second World War – New Opportunities for Female Architects? 99-127

Birgitta Berglund: Recently Discovered Gievrie (South-Saami Shaman Drums) – Contexts, Meanings and Narratives. 128-152
Veli-Pekka Leothala: Research and Activism in Sàmi Politics: The Ideas and Achievements of Karl Nikul towards Securing Governance for the Sàmi. 153-169
Yulian Konstantinov: From ‘Traditional’ to Collectivized Reindeer Herding on the Kola Peninsula: Continuity or Disruption? 170-188

Posted in Berglund Birgitta, Hage Ingebjørg, Konstantinov Yulian, Leothala Veli-Pekka, Volume 22 - 2005 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2005): Volume 22(2)

Acta Borealia (2005): Volume 22(1)

Volume 22(1), 2005
Thor B. Arlov: The Discovery and Early Exploitation of Svalbard. Some Histographical Notes. 3-20
Edwin Okhuizen: Dutch Pre-Barentsz Maps and the Pomor Thesis about the Discovery of Spitsbergen. 21-42
Jens Petter Nielsen: John Tradescant’s Diary of his Voyage to Russia June-September 1618. A Source of Information about Russian Sea Mammal Hunting on the Svalbard Archipelago? 43-38
Roger Jørgensen: Achaeology on Svalbard: Past, Present and Future. 49-62.
Vadim R. Starkov: Methods of Russian Heritage Site Dating on the Spitsbergen Archipelago. 63-78
Tora Hultgreen: The Chronology of the Russian Hunting Stations on Svalbard: A Reconsideration. 79-92

Posted in Arlov Tor B., Hultgreen Tora, Jørgensen R., Nielsen Jens Petter, Okhuizen Edwin, Starkov Vadim R., Volume 22 - 2005 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2005): Volume 22(1)

Acta Borealia (2004): Volume 21(2)

Volume 21(2), 2004
Tatjana N. Jackson: On the Date of the First Russian – Norwegian Border Treaty. 87-98

Karin Granqvist: Confrontation and Conciliation: The Sami, the Crown and the Court in Seventeenth-century Swedish Lapland. 99-116

Posted in Granqvist Karin, Jackson Tatjana N., Volume 21 - 2004 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2004): Volume 21(2)

Acta Borealia (2004): Volume 21(1)

Volume 21(1), 2004
Janne P. Ikäheimo, Juha-Pekka Joona and Mikko Hietala: Wretchedly Poor, but Amazingly Practical: Archaeological and Experimental Evidence on the Bone Arrowheads of the Fenni. 3-20
Ryymin, Teemu: Narrating the Arctic Finns: Samuli Paulaharju’s Representations of the Kvens. 21-40
Evjen, Bjørg: …thought I was just a same. “Lulesame” and “lulesamisk area” as New Political and Identity-shaping Expressions. 41-54
Kvalvik, Ingrid: Assessing the Delimination Negotiations between Norway and the Soviet Union/Russia. 55-80

Posted in Evjen Bjørg, Hietala Mikko, Ikäheimo Janne P., Joona Juha-Pekka, Kvalvik Ingrid, Ryymin Teemu, Volume 21 - 2004 | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2004): Volume 21(1)

Acta Borealia (2002): Volume 19(1)

Volume 19(1), 2002
The Editors: Letter from the Editors. 3-4
Yurchenko, Alexei Y.: The Colonization of the Russian Barents Sea Coast (mid 19th to Early 20th Century): Two Approaches to the Economic Development of the Area. 5-26
Immonen, Visa: Functional Ladles or Ceremonial Cutlery? A Cultural Biography of Prehistoric Wooden Spoons from Finland. 27-48
Insulander, Ragnar: The Two-Wood Bow. 49-74
Nielsen, Jens-Petter: The Russia of the Tsar and Northern Norway. “The Russian Danger” Revisited. 75-94

Posted in Immonen Visa, Insulander Ragnar, Nielsen Jens Petter, Volume 19 - 2002, Yurchenko Alexei | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2002): Volume 19(1)

Acta Borealia (2001): Volume 18(2)

Volume 18(2), 2001
Torp, Eivind: Traditional Sami Knowledge of Predators and Swedish Environmental Policy. 3-22
Baglo, Cathrine: From Universal Homogeneity to Essential Heterogeneity: On The Visual Construction Of “The Lappish Race”. 23-40
Tuisku, Tuula: The Displacement of Nenets Women from Reindeer Herding and the Tundra in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Northwestern Russia. 41-60
Larsen, Stian Bones: Gerhard Schøning, Gothicism and the Re-evaluation of Northern Landscapes. 61-84
Paine, Robert: A Note on Ethnography & Interpretation & Imagination. 86-94

Posted in Baglo Cathrine, Larsen Stian Bones, Paine Robert, Torp Eivind, Tuisku Tuula, Volume 18 - 2001 | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2001): Volume 18(2)

Acta Borealia (2000): Volume 17(2)

Volume 17(2), 2000
The editors: The Russian North – the Russian Arctic. 3-4
Sergejeva, Jelena: The Eastern Sámi: A short account of their history and identity. 5-38
Kuropjatnik, Marina: The Ter Sámi according to the Russian census of 1858: Ethno-social characteristics. 39-48
Konstantinov, Yulian: Pre-Soviet pasts of reindeer-herding collectives: Ethnographies of transition in Murmansk Region. 49-64
Goldin, Vladislav: The Civil War in Northern Russia, 1918-1920. 65-82
Khorkina, Svetlana A.: Who were these brave men? Personnel of the Russian and Norwegian polar expeditions in 1890-1917. 83-102

Posted in Goldin Vladislav, Khorkina Svetlana A., Konstantinov Yulian, Kuropjatnik Marina, Sergejeva Jelena, Volume 17 - 2000 | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2000): Volume 17(2)

Acta Borealia (1999): Volume 16(1)

Volume 16(1), 1999
Bayliss-Smith, Tim and Mulk, Inga-Maria: Sailing boats in Padjelanta: Sámi rock engravings from the mountain in Laponia, Northern Sweden. 3-42
Hagen, Rune: The witch-hunt in early modern Finnmark. 43-62
Paine, Robert: “Reindeer theft?” Notes on how a culture is put at odds with itself. 63-82
Torp, Eivind: Reindeer-herding and the call for sustainability in the Swedish mountain region. 83-97
Tuulentie, Seija: “Culture alone will not put bread on the table.” The many facets of the debate on the preservation of Sami culture. 97-116
Kuropjatnik, Marina: Expeditions to Sámi territories. A History of the studies of the Kola Sámi in the 1920s-1930s. 117-124

Posted in Bayliss-Smith Tim, Hagen Rune, Kuropjatnik Marina, Mulk Inga-Maria, Paine Robert, Torp Eivind, Tuulentie Seija, Volume 16 - 1999 | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1999): Volume 16(1)

Acta Borealia (1994-95): Volume 11-12

Volume 11-12, 1994-1995
Fagertun, F.: Introduction. 3-4.
Berg, R.: A Norwegian Policy of the North before World War I? 5-18.
Nielsen, J.P.: The Old Russia and the New Norway (1905-1917); Neighbourliness without fear? 19-36.
Khorkina, S.: Russia and Norway – Conflicts and Cooperation in Arctic exploration, 1893-1905. 37-43.
Lillebø, G.O.: Norwegian seal hunting in the eastern part of the Polar Sea, 1917-1936: conflicts between Norway and the Soviet Union based on economic and territorial interests. 45-62.
Drivenes, E.A.: Adolf Hoel – polar ideologue and imperialist of the Polar Sea? 63-72.
Evjen, B.: An Arctic Society – A laboratory: Longyearbyen, Svalbard 1916-1975. 73-81.
Fagertun, F.: U-2 flights in the North: Western Strategy, Intelligence Requirements and Political risks. 83-92.
Bravo, M.T.: Hunting and the Art of Snow Machines: an Anthropological Reflection on Situated Techniques. 93-103.
Røsnes, B.A., Storm, D. & Sveum, T.: Bibliography of Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Societies 1984-1994/1995. 105-128.
Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I. & Holm-Olsen, I.M.: Letter from the editors. 129-130.

Posted in Berg Roald, Bratrein H.D, Bravo Michael T., Drivenes Einar-Arne, Evjen Bjørg, Fagertun Fredrik, Hansen Lars-Ivar, Holm-Olsen I.M, Khorkina Svetlana A., Lillebø Geir O., Mathiesen Per, Nielsen Jens Petter, Røsnes Bent A., Storm Dikka, Sveum Tor, Volume 11 - 1994, Volume 12 - 1995 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1994-95): Volume 11-12